Saturday, March 3, 2012

Play It Again

Right at creation, God blessed not a place or a thing, but a day and made it holy, a whole string of moments. Time is always the most consecrated.
 Ann Voskamp
I am always trying to slow time.  Life rushes by us so quickly and we remember very little of it.  So very little. Lately, I have been challenged to commit to paper little things I call glimpses of grace.  I challenged myself to commit to 1000 a year.   It really slows time down for a second and reminds me  what is so very important in life. The moment. I read a book last year, One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp.  I was so moved by that book that I have given at least 25 copies away.  It is so much more than remembering to be grateful, it is a way to slow time down. 

Grace  #175  I am new to this whole blogging thing, and many things do not show up  as I have edited them so I hope you forgive my learning curve.  As I re read them, it reminds me again and of course I find the errors and think, how did I not see that? And then here's the grace part...perfection is so over rated. 

But...every once in a while...

you have one of those moments.  They come one at a time, no interruptions, no text message to answer, no cell phone ring, no child screaming for attention or having some other meltdown, no dinner to make, no crisis to attend to, no racing thoughts...and you fold that last piece of laundry, you put that last dish away, you toss one extra baseball to your son, you lay in the floor and play dolls with your daughter,  you actually smell the rosemary in the air, you see the leaf swirling down to the ground, you see each crystal snowflake fall softly and you can hear the quiet, the yellow on the finch is the brightest ever, the hummingbird turns and smiles, you feel that deep,deep soul connection in a stranger's eyes, you re-read your favorite book...
Not often but every once in a while time seems to stand still and you have one of those moments that you are content.  You have enough.  You do something just for the sheer joy of it.

It is those moments, those once in a while moments that we need to pause and say Grace...We pause and we see ourselves as who we are.  No matter how little or how grand those moments we see ourselves at our absolute best-grounded, no ulterior motive, no self deception, no pretending, nothing to prove...
We finally see the person in us who loves to run barefoot in the grass, who loves to swim naked in the lake, who loves to lick ice cream off their wrist, who loves to dance, who loves to sing at the top of their lungs. This is us. Who we are meant to be.
These moments can not stay, they are fleeting and we must let them go to see the next moment and the next moment. Be fully present to your life and give thanks for it.

All of life is holy...make it so.

Enjoy your weekend my dearest friends,

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