Sunday, May 6, 2012

Other Side of the Boat

I woke up today at 6 am and we were still late to church.  Not my fault today, Vance had to have candy for church (yes, Vance and how old is he?), Davis had to go to the bathroom as soon as we arrived, so we sat down after the announcements.  While I was waiting impatiently in the narthex for Davis, the very, kind usher said we could go in anytime we like as long as we were not praying (at least I thought that was what he said). I must have looked lost or like I wasn't praying, which I was not.   And I was lost and am on most given days, hence the need for ushers.  It is very, very easy to become lost at church.  Very easy. It was all good though, because we sat down right in front of a dear, dear friend who I have not seen except electronically in quite some time.  That alone would have made church worth it this morning, but God being good gives more.  There are always baskets of bread left over.

I actually had almost finished my blog for this morning before I left for church and I will publish it one day, but church happened and Spirit said write this. In case you are overcome with curiosity, it was on the Old Testament reading this morning from the Daily Office.  Abraham and Isaac.  Love that story.  High drama, suspense, love and near murder all in one story.  I also have the blog written on part 2 of baseball theology, but I am saving that one. For what, I have no idea.  Absolutely none.  Maybe I am more superstitious than I think and am saving it in hopes that will give us an edge in tomorrow night's county championship game.

I was feeling quite pleased with myself when I arrived at church.   Not only had I baked fresh cinnamon bread this am for breakfast, I also actually cooked breakfast. Fresh baked bread, eggs, bacon and strawberries.  Nothing taste finer than a NC strawberry in May.  Nothing.  I had dinner ready to go in the oven tonight.  I had put a coat of paint on my back door.  I had read the lectionary readings, checked my email and written my blog.  I had also finished a load of laundry and remembered to sign my anniversary card for Vance.  It is our 17th anniversary today and I did consider writing on that, given my recent overnight stay at my mamma's, but I am saving that one too. I love checking off my to do list, so I sat down at 11am, with my to do list almost complete.  I love that feeling.  I don't why either.  And of course the prayer this morning was for no less than calm minds.  Not kidding.  No one has ever prayed for me to have a calm mind before.  And probably they and I should.

Davis always asks me on the way to church, "What is the sermon going to be about today?"  He is always amazed that I can "predict" the scripture and outline a sermon.  He still has not quite grasped the concept that I guess well because of the lectionary.  Given that he is going to high school this fall, I think I will enjoy being "all knowing" mom as long as I can.  I probably only have about three months left of that.  So, I was guessing we are either talking about loving each other or Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch.

I have no idea what makes a preacher preach what he or she preaches.  I have no idea why certain hymns are sung or not.  I can follow the theme but really have never come up with the timeliness of hymns and sermons. I don't think everyone else needs to hear what I hear, but clearly the mystery of preaching works.  And it has always never ceased to amaze me. Never. In liturgical churches, the lectionary is usually followed, but for whatever reason, it was not today.  I suspect it has something to do with what God thinks I need to hear.  Or at least I hope.  I have heard those knowings called God tickles or whispering.  Usually God has to yell to get my attention. And yell loud. Tickling just doesn't get it for me.  Imagine my surprise when the sermon is from John's gospel narrative when Jesus appears to the disciples on the beach.  He gives them fishing tips, cooks breakfast, eats with them and disappears.  And for some reason that I have never clearly understood and have always wrestled with, Peter was apparently fishing  naked.  WHY????  And the sermon was so much better than my blog on the same passage a week ago.

And the gospel today was quite simply this:  The miracle of the resurrection is in the here and nowThere is no need to wait till we die.  To experience kingdom living, abundant life-realize this:  Go to the other side of the boatIt is when we change perspective that we enter the resurrection moment.

And God being God, knew I needed to hear that, because it was only this week that I had read from one of my favorite writers on hope and why we have it and how we can experience life now. "When you have a plan in place for the worst — you never go to the the place of worry. And the plan for when all hell breaks lose is that Christ’s already broken the power of hell and to live is Christ and to die is gain, so the plan is always joy."  Ann Voskamp

As Christians we have the best worst case scenario plan.  I can promise you that in this life you will walk through hell.  At some point and time you will experience, and quite possibly for a long time, fear, sickness, anxiety, abandonment, grief, heartache, suffering, pain.  But we have a disaster plan.   It is the other side of the boat.

All is grace and counting it always....


Hugs from friends I haven't seen in years
Choirs that sing Tallis
The sound of shoes on stone church floors
Strawberries from NC in May
The smell of fresh baked bread on Sunday morning
Iris that never fail to bloom exactly year after year the first week of May
Hymns that I don't know but the music makes me think of resting
Prayers that ask for calm minds
Baseball championship games
Herb crusted pork roast that melts in your mouth
Spray paint

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