Friday, March 8, 2013

When you feel invisible

It happens sometime between childhood and adulthood. Probably starts at different times for each of us though.  But I noticed it today.  I was talking with a (gee-I don't know what to call him-I don't have any polite names), human, that is as nice as I can get.  This human knows me quite well, probably  wishing he didn't but he does.    Any who, I was speaking in my grown up, professional voice making a simple request and he ignored me.  At first I thought, he didn't hear me.  No he heard me,  he just didn't see me.  I was invisible to him.  And then there are times when Davis walks right past me and I speak to him and he doesn't answer and I must be invisible.  I walked up to Vance after the ballgame tonight and said I am ready to go and he kept on talking.  I must be invisible.  I spoke to a man about a serious matter and he didn't answer. I was invisible.

You can not name the builders of the great cathedrals of Europe.  You look through their descriptions and at the bottom is says builder unknown. They completed things knowing they would never see the completed work.  There is a story of a workman who was carving a dove in a beam of a ceiling that would be cove rd by stone.  He was asked, "Why are you doing that? No one ever see it."  He replied, "God will."  They trusted that God saw everything.  They trusted to build a mammoth work they would never see finished.  They showed up day after day to work on a building that would take 100 years to complete.  They gave their whole lives to building something they would never see finished and never have their name  on. 
One writer says, "no great cathedral will every be built today because so few have that level of commitment and that degree of sacrifice." 

So, my invisible friends, you know who you are.  And I want you to know that God sees you.  God says: "You are not invisible to me.  I see every tear of disappoint when things do go when you want, I see every cupcake baked, every socks you wash, uniforms you wash, and no sacrifice is too small for me to notice." You are building  a great cathedral and it will not be completed before you die and you will not get to live there, but if you build it well, I will.  Invisibility is the cure for the  self centered.  It is ok that they don't know and don't see.  I don't want Davis coming  home from college and saying to his friends, "You are not going to believe what my mom does.  She irons linens at 4 am, bastes a turkey at 5 am and rolls out pie dough from scratch."  Even if I do do those things, that is not what I want.   I want him to come home and I want him to tell his friends you are going to l ike there.  We don't work for them, we work for Him.  They will never see, not if do it right.  Let's build a cathedral of our own.  Our families.

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